Jennefere's Books

Monday, February 28, 2011

Some New Book Trailers and Updates

I finally took some time out of my day to go ahead and start making some book trailers. Let me start by saying this; it was a very time consuming task. It took me literally 2 hours just to make one. The first process was actually looking for some good video loops. I found a place called (They are also the owners of Themeforest). I was able to find some quality loops from $3-6 dollars each. I loaded my account with $30.00 and I have to say it was the best investment I have made so far.

I purchased some really good 10-16 second loops, and took them over to Windows Live Movie Maker. I invested in Adobe Effects, but it's a very complicated program and I am still watching Video Tutorials on how to use the software. I would have to say that I am still a beginner. It's so much easier to work with the loops with Windows Movie Maker.

I found myself checking my Barnes and Noble Pubit account and it put a big smile on my face that my books are actually starting to sell. I've pulled my prices down to $0.99. It seems to be selling more at Barnes and Noble than Amazon.

Goodreads finally added me as a librarian so I can upload my videos to my Goodreads Profile. I also applied for an author page, but they haven't gotten back to me. I've been so busy, I didn't realize how time consuming all this self promotion was going to be. I practically takes up all my free time. Honestly, I haven't really found any time to write.

I have two other blogs to work on. Here are all five (was supposed to be six but I got tired) of my trailers; I hope that you enjoy them.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Free Help!

Please feel free to check out the free help section. I would like to help out other indie authors that need it. I will help you format your book and get it ready for Amazon Kindle, Smashwords, and Barnes and Noble Pubit.

Hunting for Indie Paranormal Books

I just purchased an Amazon Kindle, and I'm looking for many Paranormal Indie books to read. It's my favorite genre and I'm excited about filling my kindle up with tons of books to read. I know how difficult it is out here for Indie writers to get and gain presence so I decided to that I would like to use my blog to post honest reviews for every Indie book that I read.

I don't have a preference, just so long as it falls under the paranormal genre. I don't care if it's paranormal romance, comedy, horror, or even erotica. I will read your work and write an honest review about and post it here on my blog. If you are interested, please feel free to email me at I'm a very fast reader and I usually read about 4-5 books per month, sometimes more depending on the length.